Monday, January 7, 2013

Post Op.... I had whaaaa...

So sorry it's been weeks although not so sure anyone is truly reading this... :) So I wanted to update myself so to say...

December 28, 2012 I had surgery on my knee at 9:30am. I got into recovery at 11am but stayed in recovery until 3pm... I didn't even notice until my doctor came over and said your staying the night because you don't seem to be doing too well.

If you didn't count that it was 5 HOURS in recovery!!! At most people stay about 2. I felt bad because my mom had no idea what was going on and neither did I. The first thing I remember was them saying hey well you had a lateral release and me going... NO no no no I was here for mpfl I am so confused. The nurse was asking me my pain level and I let her know it was at 11. Then I had a new nurse and it was at an 8 apparently that was a good 4 hours in between.

I got to the room I would be staying at for the night and had some great nurses. But the pain was amazingly high and I was put on a morphine drip, and got extra pushes they said of morphine throughout the night and into the next day. With my pain level still at 8 they let me somehow go home... yeah that's what I said they let me go home. I was on high levels of morphine and I still am... it was increasingly difficult to just move... I am still not sure what is wrong with this blasted knee that is suppose to be bending but wont!!! :( Praying for some answers tomorrow!!

And the actual surgery I had was right knee arthroscopy with a lateral release, shaved down underside of the knee cap and a new track for my knee cap to actually move onto. Sounds like fun huh..... NOPE!!!

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