Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Life these days...

Well here we are again in the middle of the night and I will be teaching in the am. I love teaching it is honestly the only thing I could ever do in life besides counseling... I know it sounds weird but I feel like I could truly be someone that these students can talk to and relate to but I don't want to leave the classroom.... it sounds like a horrible idea but amazing at the same time. I just need something to happen.

So whiles I was gone.. yes whiles I have been making life changing decisions and dealing with lord knows what. I have issues in my stomach and throat and bowels.. and other organs up in there. :( Ughh can't I catch just a tiny break! On to the GI specialist next week. Hoping to get that figured out and taken care of ASAP!

On to the new news. I filled out paperwork, took a test, and am currently waiting to hear if my insurance will cover my medical procedure to get a SCS put in... when I write SCS it doesn't sound so scary. But it is a Spinal Cord Stimulator also known as a Neurostimulator. This will help change the pain in my leg into just a warm sensation or stimulation type deal. It is worth a shot to choose this route but to be honest I didn't have much of an option and I don't know why my leg won't bend it is getting super frustrating and getting close to the 6 month mark of driving or walking like a NORMAL person. :) I hate waiting.....

So for the neurostimulator you have to do a trial period to make sure it will actually work for you. So what they do it place a epidural needle in your back then feed leads up the spine to the correct gaits to help stimulate the sympathetic nerve then the leads come out of the back and get attached to a external battery that is connected on the outside of my skin to a connector device on a belt and feed to the external battery that is sitting on the front of my stomach with the emergency button facing out just in case. I will have a remote that will be set to different channels to help with the leg pain like, standing, bending, sitting, sleeping, etc. It will be a 3 hour procedure then I work with the consultant from the device manufacture to make sure I use it right and understand what I need to do and how I do it. I wear this device for a few days then they replace it with a permanent one if it works weeks later.

The permanent one will be a different procedure slightly. I will have the leads placed up the spine then they connect the leads under the skin and attach them to a internal battery that is rechargeable. These devices usually stay under the skin for 7-9 years some cases they have to be removed before it is kind of a big deal like a pace maker in your back. I am nervous but praying it works the alternative is not OK!! This procedure takes about 6 hours and I will stay over night at the hospital. Kinda scary to have multiple surgeries in one year.... :/ but I was not meant to have this life style I need to get out and MOVE!! Seriously this is not the life I am use to I miss me!! But I will be driving soon my goal is next weekend. Well back to my work on creating things for business I am kind of excited to teach this class!!! :)

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