Friday, December 28, 2012

T minus 5 hours and 45 minutes

Well here I am yet again... worrying and going through TONS of emotions at this point. I know everything will be alright but surgery is still surgery and it's not just a everyday surgery... I found this video when my lovely students decided to look up my surgery. I will definitely miss my students for the week and a half I am gone... :( They are awesome and one of the only ways I feel I have kept going and dealt with the pain I am in for months.

This video shows an animation of what it will look like and how it will happen. :)

MPFL surgery

I only have just hours to go until I have a LIFE changing surgery one that will allow me to FINALLY walk again. I can't wait but still completely stressed like no other... So I am making a list of everything I will be able to do after surgery and healing;

jumping jacks
go on the beach
Figure out all of my OTHER medical issues
Jetski... :)
Roller coasters
Visit Virginia
Walk for more then 5 feet without getting tired
RSD will get better
Life will get better
Take a normal shower
Walk up and down stairs without worry

Alright going back to sub plans so I can just try and SLEEP all later today... I am excited most of all to be put under because I can SLEEP!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

What is RSD

Well I have a website for anyone wanting to know to look at... I have two that I constantly frequent...

RSDCRPS Doesn't Own Me


Both sites help those who have RSD find doctors, learn more and just understand what there bodies are going through take a look.

T minus tooo many hours!!

I am really getting anxious, nervous, scared, excited, nervous, stressed and all around cranky about tomorrow... I should be grading right now but I can get my head in the game so to say.... I am too worried about the outcome of my surgery and the frustration I am feeling. I wish others understood what I am going through because it's hard to get in fights with those you love because they can't understand the pain. I never thought I would feel that way after reading so much on the RSD website... but it's true they don't get the pain and the torture it is just to move some days... most days. I feel like a waste on society at times but I know that this going to change so that is always uplifting to know that yes one day I will be able to walk, drive, run, and not be looked at as oh at least your trying.... no I am DOING it!! This really struck me.

Something to think about... as well as the saying

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr


I got this just a month after I hurt my knee..... this has NOT come true as of yet. :)
A friend sent me this. I believe it is soooo true! :)

Where it all started....

So here I am just days... well nevermind it's 2 am. Here I am a day and a night away from my MPFL reconstruction surgery and I am still looking up information... I am sooo tired and frustrated and stressed....

To give you some background to my predicament...

August 11, 2012

I was standing on my friends Jetski at the best place in the world... Crescent Bar if you haven't been there you can't talk.. :) And then I went to simply get off the back of the jetski and just standing there talking to my friends my knee gave out and dislocated I fell into the water and it relocated... It felt like I was under the water for hours... that's when it hit me I totally blacked out if even for a second. I had friends who helped me get to the car and get in it and then made the trek to the hospital where I tried to go without pain medication but failed greatly. Then I saw a new pcp doctor who then sent me to get an MRI and then see a specialist. My specialist sent me to a surgeon who didn't correctly diagnose me so for months I was going through physiotherapy and dislocating my knee everyday for months and on medication for pain, nerve issues, sleep problems, infection and so on... It all changed when I got a nerve block to stop the nerve issues but ended in more pain then I started with so went to Harborview Hospital and they had a neurologist come to see me and talk to my doctors. She told me to get another opinion because something is not working right if I am still in this much actual knee not nerve pain. Through it all I kept thinking....

So November 5, 2012 Almost a full 3 months after the accident I meet my new doctor who after 10 minutes of looking at my most recent x-ray (I have been in the hospital over 5 times since the first issue was found) he found bone fragments and a frozen knee. So I had another MRI and found that I have bone marrow edema and a torn mpfl. So surgery it is and was suppose to be December 12, 2012... well surgery was rescheduled due to an active infection in my body and they needed me to do more blood work and try to get better first because with cadaver ligaments you don't want to get a infection. Now surgery December 28, 2012 8:15 am it is.
After a good month still icing it!!

 After almost two months of PT and doctors appointments STILL icing it!!! Because so swollen.

I am so frustrated by all the sources available on the subject I never knew that I would be getting a surgery that has little wide known knowledge and is rare I guess it goes with my luck these last 4 months... :) So I want to post a blog about being positive through it all and that will help me to get better faster and get back to my life and a healthier life. I can't wait and I hope I can help those who have questions about it as well. So here are a few photos to start it off...
Even with this issue I have kept my humor and sarcasm why leave those behind and become depressed.