Thursday, June 13, 2013

Vegas and all it addes to LIFE! Just one trip

Well the most recent bruises are interesting...  I just got back from Vegas!! Whooo yep I won... OH YEAH! :) But I bumped my "good" knee on the side of the pool and walking... hahaha walking... anyway walking up on our last day in Sin City I felt my giant bruise that was rock hard and interestingly feeling but I can NOT figure out how, when, or why I got these bruises but it wasn't until Monday June 10, 2013 about halfway through the day we had gone to the minus 5 bar for free thanks to Marlene's brother who actually helped create the bar!! And then we went to go start walking back to the casino we had gotten about halfway back and I had to at this point switch my lovely walking cane into my right hand to take some pressure off of my left leg and foot well I started having weird shooting pain and the feeling that it was actually moving up my stupid leg! Well we had to stop and I broke down.... I cried and both Marlene and Tricia tried comforting me and they were trying to convince me to go to the doctor, but I knew I did NOT want to stay in Vegas! :) lol

I finally got through the pain and we got home, and here I am now going through CRAZY leg pains in both... I am having spasms, and sharp pain, and dull deep pain, and pain pain!!  So imagine that you want to sleep so bad but someone is constantly gabbing your right knee with a red poker, that a giant fat man is then sitting on your left lower leg just pressing down harder and harder while you try to breath through the pain as a technique! Oh and did I mention that all the while BOTH legs are sitting on top of a awesome campfire that you can't put out and at times it feels like some flames are getting close enough and that they are burning epic holes into your skin and you can't put ice on it for fear of oh just making it spread even further throughout your body..... yeah not tough to see why I can't sleep right... ugh this new pain is something out of this world though.... ugh oh well I am sure I can get a couple hours...

Well I FINALLY got an appointment to see Dr. Kramer and hope fully we can figure out the stupid left leg issue and the left ovary pain issue... oh life I feel like Dr. Kramer must think I'm a hypochondriac.

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