Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cane to 5k

Well here we are again... the middle of the night, I can't sleep and I am planning on walking in the am! I am so happy at where I am in life right now! I thought I needed people to be there for me... but I realize now that I am the only thing that I need! I have great family, friends, coworkers, students, and student-parents that I DON'T need people who were only kind of here for me in the beginning.

So today I am starting to track my life and change everything! I need to be who I am instead of being afraid to have my life, I need to LIVE my life, and not be afraid to wear my heart on my sleeve and create a new life!

Well today October 22, 2013 I am going to share a little bit of my life with you, I am going to be as honest as I can be, and I am going to tell you just the small details because I share my life with many who are close to me not millions I don't know or who don't really even care. If I can somehow encourage, motivate, or inspire people along the way I don't want credit I just want it to be paid forward. I am a human and I make more mistakes then anyone, god made me this way and I am encouraged through his love and selfishness to share with others and be here for them.
A friend showed this to me and it makes me feel amazing, but not what I have ever strived for! I have only tried to be the best me I can be, I try to be the best daughter, sister, cousin, niece, granddaughter, teacher, friend, coworker, girlfriend, and partner in crime I can be! If others find inspiration or motivation then more power to you and thank you for the words of encouragement!
So I'm here to give you so insight;
Currently I am:
Dating a cute/ funny/ sweet guy
Knee bends to 60 degrees with quite a bit of pain--ankle and foot swollen
Weight: 160lbs--40lbs of that is loose skin... yuck
Disease: I have gastroparesis, lupus, hashimotos, hypothyroid, RSD type 2, RND, and full body systemic RSD, and now possible PAD... yikes right! I live in 24/7 pain in my stomach, leg, back, arms... whole body! But I work my butt off to pretend it doesn't effect me or others around me it is the easiest way for me to function in today's society! :)
Age: 27
Cane to 5k: Walked the Sacks of Love 5k without a cane! And in 54 minutes
Workout Plan: Walking 4-5 5k's a week or longer, crunches 100, push-ups 50, planks 50 and now doing online trainers program
Diet: I am still currently working on my diet some days I want to eat others I can't even stomach water... Gastroparesis kinda sucks because sometimes I am all in for eating and others nada. I currently have trouble keeping solids down still!
Diet Goal: 1000-1200 calories by Christmas! Healthy GOOD eating, advocare 24 day challenge and growing my own garden. 
5k Goal: Run the Foam 5k July 2014, Jog the Hot Chocolate 5k/ or walk the 15k, RUN Mustache the Dache 2014!
Life Goal: Show my students how to live and be present in life! Start my national boards this summer, stable relationship, Love with all my heart!!
Weight Goal: 125lbs and tone by my 28th birthday!
Skin Goal: Retain so of the elasticity to my abdominal skin, look good in Anna's wedding and look GREAT by Brittany's wedding August 2nd.




These are some helpful sayings!
My goal is to go from wanting this to cut off my leg... Jawsaw in the picture below.

To become this person in ALLLLL aspects of my life (pictured below.)

My student's wrote the saying above and that is me with my neck tattoo!! It is my daily reminder that I can do anything and everything that I put my mind to! That is all for today! Going to sleep a few hours walk a few miles teach a few kiddos and start the first day of the rest of my life! Thank you everyone for your support and love through this!
And last but not least I always plug in my disease to make sure people are understanding what is going on in life! SO please if you can ever help support research and medical findings in RSD and Gastroparesis!